26 - 28 AUGUST: CI Intensive for Beginners w/ Aham
26 - 28 AUGUST: CI in Water w/ Manuela Blanchard

Corfu Land & Water Contact Festival was born out of our desire to bring the art of Contact Improvisation (CI) to Corfu. CI has been a transformative journey of discovery, growth and connection for us. We would love to share with all of you the gifts that this practice can offer: exploration, improvisation, creativity, joy, celebration, connectedness, just to name a few :)
The Festival welcomes all.
If you are a beginner it the perfect place to start, if you are an advanced practitioner you will surely go deeper in your exploration and journey with the guidance of expert teachers.
Families with young children are very welcome! We provide childcare in the mornings so parents can join the workshops and Contakids (parent-child) classes in the evening ♡