26 - 27 - 28 AUGUST 2025
TEXTURES OF CONTACT - an Intensive Workshop on CI & Sensory Exploration
with Aham
for Beginners and All levels
Join us on August 26th - 28th for an extraordinary Contact Improvisation experience. This intensive workshop introduces a blindfolding approach to contact improvisation, using physical contact as our unique point of reference. Blindfolding has been a transformative tool in my personal exploration of CI, and I'm excited to share its magic with you.
Workshop Structure:
26th August: Grounding - Dive into the world of listening, presence, and trust.
27th August: Bodywork and Sensory Exploration - Delve into the rich tapestry of sensations, textures, and contact..
28th August: Technique and Integration in Dance - Integrating it all together in a dance exploration.​
To fully immerse yourself in this unique experience, we recommend attending the 3 days to foster a deep connection with a supportive group and build a common trust and vocabulary.
All levels are welcome at the intensive.

Dates: 26 - 27 - 28 August 2025
Times: 3 hours/day (exact times to be announced soon)
Location: Katikia, Arillas, Corfu
Max 12 participants
Price: 150 euros
Price discount if joining the Festival: 125 euros
Facilitator: Aham Movement

Aham was born in Barcelona. Since young he's practiced a great variety of sports and different kinds of disciplines such as martial arts, acrobatics, parkour, dance and gymnastics. At the age of 18 he started his acting studies with the idea of getting to know myself and transmitting better to others. That was the beginning of 6 years of studying and working in BCN and NY.
It was also when he discovered CI, which was taught as a tool for physical listening within physical theater.
Some events made his question and redirect his path towards traveling and focusing more on movement, contact improvisation and facilitation.
In 2023 he discovered and participated in many Erasmus + projects, financed by the European Union. In those he got introduced to NVC which has been the last added tool to keep facilitating physical, emotional and relational awareness, and through that, wellbeing.
DANCE YOURSELF DEEP - Improvisation Principles of Water Contact
with Manuela Blanchard
for Beginners and All Levels
We will go into aquatic and interactive explorations, based on listening and perception. Since no one is
leading the dance, each one engages deeply in a real connection, which allows for something common
to take over and guide us through space.
We use the aquatic motion techniques as improvisational tools to compose with the unexpected. Our
body becomes a fluid moving support, inviting our partner(s) to ride on waves created by the common
momentum. The warm water invites you to experience effortless relaxing underwater.

- liven up your body and raise your sensory awareness, reconnect you to whatever wants to express more fully in your life
- help you to connect you to yourself and others in full awareness
- melt together in the silence of meditation, inhaling the time that unfolds infinitely in every cell
Alone, in duets or in the group, you will nourish yourself through touch, movement and playful interactions. Somatic explorations, dance improvisations in the 34°C pool and outdoor and labs will be doorways to explore personal themes in a relaxed atmosphere.
Link for more pictures and impressions:
Dates: 26 - 27 - 28 August 2025
Times: 10:30am - 13:30pm
Location: Flying Pool, Arillas, Corfu
Max 12 participants
Price: 220 euros
Price discount if joining the Festival: 190 euros
Facilitator: Manuela Blanchard

Dancer, WaterDance® teacher, Watsu® practitioner with a large experience in Healing Dance®, Manuela Blanchard has been teaching Contact & Dance Improvisation in Switzerland since 20 years. CI in water grew out of her wish to combine the interactive intelligence of contact improv with some techniques of aquatic bodywork. She was one of the first to share in international festivals (f.ex. Thai Water-Land that she co-grounded).
In 2017 she created "Aquatic Bodywaves", involving dance improvisation as a way to learn aquatic bodywork more playfully and intuitively than the classic water trainings. Her work links intimately emotional process and tantric tools to aquatic research.
Fascinated by fluidity, whether in human relationships or in body language, she likes to combine improvised dance with a search for a connection to one’s deepest nature. Her teaching supports everyone in their own discovery of vitality, authenticity, openness and presence.
Her enthusiasm for organic and expressive qualities of movement led her to explore Butoh, Authentic Movement, Body Mind Centering, Synchronized Swimming (intensively as a teenager) and Tango among many other artistic fields. She is also Esalen Massage practitioner with experience in emotion coaching process.