FLYING & FALLING: CI & Acrobatics
5 - 6 SEPTEMBER with Sergio Palomares

Αcrobatics & Contact Improvisation
The term "acrobatics" comes from greek: "akros" (high, extremity) and "bainein" (to walk). So we could understand acrobatics as the quality of those who "walk high" or from "their hands". Already from the beginnings of Contact Improvisation (CI) some of its members had a blackgroun in sports like Gymnastics, so these qualities and explorations of movements were intrinsically marked in the DNA of this dance form. Especially in the beginnings, CI was a very acrobatic way of relating, dancing and improvising.
In this workshop we will explore some acrobatic and gymnastic principles and their application in CI. We will put special emphasis on "landing" and "take off". We will study different ways and technical skills that will give us more confidence managing the "fall" from any position and situation. Befriending disorientation, opening our awareness to the spherical space and the only real direction we need as a reference, the others and the down, our balance shared with others bodies and gravity.
The fundamental goal will be to provide tools that allow freedom and safety exploring any level and dynamic in CI.
Dates: 5-6 September 2025
Times: 4 hours/day (exact times to be announced soon)
Location: Katikia, Arillas, Corfu
Max 12 participants
Price: 140 euros
Price discount if joining the Festival: 115 euros

Sergio is a multidisciplinary artist and passionate of arts of movement interested in the integration of different languages like acrobatics, dance and Contact Improvisation.
He's background is in martial arts, gymnastics, circus and contemporary dance. He has been teaching circus acrobatics since 2012 and Contact Improvisation since 2015.
In 2019 he taught at the Contemporary Circus School of Guadalajara (Elcirca), Mexico, mixing CI and different circus disciplines. He was part of the program of studies of Contact Improvisation in Enestudio (Barcelona) from 2020 to 2022 teaching "Acrobatics into CI". In January of 2020 he participated at the "January Workshop" by Nancy Stark Smith.
In 2022 he obtains a postgraduate degree in performing arts and education, Institut del Teatre, Barcelona.
He lives in Madrid now studying Osteopathy, which is being a great inspiration in his dance and in his pedagogy. He is interested in the exploration and research about movement patterns with the goal of efficiency and health, especially in the most intense physical dynamics.